About Harmonytown

Established In 1944, We Are The Wayne, MI Chapter Of The 
Barbershop Harmony Society

Our Mission Is To Bring People Together In Fellowship And Harmony Through Singing

The single most fun place in southeast Michigan to experience the life-changing joy of singing and performing Barbershop music! Men from all across the area come together with their desire to sing, improve their vocal talents, and most importantly, share their love of music through public performances of all types. Men who enjoy singing will find a musical home in HarmonyTown. You'll find guys who don't read music, to car&shower singers, to life-long performers & some with tons of technical & formal training & educations. Together, we create the most beautiful & joyous noise, and revel in every opportunity to share with others. Feel free to come visit any Tuesday evening, or call / email / messenger note any questions you might have.
And as we say every Tuesday night: "It's GREAT to be a Barbershopper!!!"

HarmonyTown Barbershop Chorus Brings Joy To Our Community

Copyright © 2025 HarmonyTown